ADMISSION [ 0768516950 | TECH-SUPPORT - [0734307309]

   2025/2026 Application for Bachelor Degree - Currently : Closed! - Deadline: 21-Sep-2024

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  • ADMISSION [ 0768516950 | TECH-SUPPORT - [0734307309]
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The Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College invites applications from qualified candidates for the admission into the Bachelor Degree Programmes for the academic year 2024/2025.


  • Bachelor Degree

          > Doctor Of Medicine (5 Years)

          > BSc. Health Laboratory Sciences (3 Years)

          > BSc. Nursing (4 Years)

          > BSc. Physiotherapy (4 Years)

          > BSc. Occupational Therapy (4 Years)


Application Procedures 

1. Please read the admission criteria and verify that you are qualified for application before you start application.

2. Application fee is non-refundable

3. Applicants are advised to pay application fee either direct through CRDB Bank or CRDB agents (Wakala) 

4. Applicants are required to have a valid and working mobile number and personal email address.

5. Applicants with ACSEE will use your form IV Index number and Form VI Index number for verifications of your education details

6. Applicant with Diploma must obtain Verification Number (AVN) from NACTVET. (Apply Here for AVN)


Admission Requirements

I. Direct Entrants:

 (i) Doctor of Medicine

Three principal passes in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology with minimum of 6 points: A minimum of D grade in Chemistry, Biology and Physics.

(ii)  Bachelor of Science in Health Laboratory Science

Three principal passes in Physics, Chemistry and Biology with minimum of 6 points: A minimum of C grade in Chemistry and D grade in Biology and at least E grade in Physics.

(iii)  Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Three principal passes in Chemistry, Biology and either Physics or Mathematics or Nutrition with a minimum of 6 points; i.e. an applicant must have at least C grade in Chemistry and at least D grade in Biology and E grade in Physics or Mathematics or Nutrition.

(iv) Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy

 Three principal passes in Physics, Chemistry and Biology with a minimum of 6 points: A minimum of C grade in Chemistry and D grade in Biology and at least E grade in Physics. 

(v) Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy

 Three principal passes in Physics, Chemistry and Biology with a minimum of 6 points: A minimum of C grade in Chemistry and D grade in Biology and at least E grade in Physics. 

II. Equivalent Entrants:

 All equivalent applicants may apply for above programmes if they meet the requirements stated below:

(i) Doctor of Medicine

Diploma in Clinical Medicine with an average of “B’’ or a minimum GPA of 3.0. In addition, an applicant must have a minimum of “D” grade in the following subjects: Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Physics and English at O-Level.

(ii) Bachelor of Science in Health Laboratory Science

Diploma in Medical Laboratory Sciences with an average of “B’’ or a minimum GPA of 3.0. In addition, an applicant must have a minimum of “D” grade in the following subjects: Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Physics and English at O-Level.

(iii) Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Diploma in Nursing with an average of “B’’ or a minimum GPA of 3.0. In addition, an applicant must have a minimum of “D” grade in the following subjects: Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Physics and English at O-Level.

(iv) Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy

Diploma in Physiotherapy with an average of “B’’ or a minimum GPA of 3.0. In addition, an applicant must have a minimum of “D” grade in the following subjects: Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Physics and English at O-Level. 

(v) Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy

Diploma in Occupational Therapy with an average of “B’’ or a minimum GPA of 3.0. In addition, an applicant must have a minimum of “D” grade in the following subjects: Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Physics and English at O-Level. 

Holders of Foreign Qualifications:

          All applicants holding foreign qualifications must have their qualifications validated and equated by the respective regulatory bodies before submitting  their applications for admissions as follows:

  1. The National Examination Council of Tanzania in respect of certificates secondary education and teacher education; and

      2.The National Council for Technical Education in respect of NTA Level 6 qualification.

You may also visit the KCMUCo Website ( for more information.


A. You are advised to choose one preferable programme since no change of programme will be entertained once the admission has been offered. 

B. Information for KCMUCo fees is provided through the KCMUCo website: .

C. The closing date for receiving first round of applications is on 10th August, 2024. 

D.  No consideration will be made for late applicants.

E.  Applicants who applied in previous years should notify us before continuing with application so as to update their application accounts

F.  Application fee of Tsh. 50,000 for Tanzanians and 50 USD for Non Tanzanians (international applicants) will be paid one time of application (NONE Refundable).

G. Non Tanzanians are required to pay application fee through Bank account below  and submit the bank slip and money transfer statement by           email to NOTE: applicatiuon with incomplete applications will not be processed  

Forex Account (Dollar account):-

Kilimanjaro Christian University Medical College

Account no: 017105000676

NBC Moshi Branch


P. O. Box 3030, MOSHI,


H. All enquiries on admissions should be addressed to:


Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College, P.O. Box 2240, 


OR through email: (Admission Officer) 

OR through mobile:  0768516950                  


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